Portrait efc-Team

Dr. Andrea Alfaré has a PhD in general linguistics from the university of Basel. Specialised in language acquisition, conversation- and interaction analysis with a special focus on communicative impairments and AAC. Training in different kinds of AAC methods, many years of practical experience in the field, in communication training with people with severe impairments as well as in training and coaching the professional and familial surroundings. Teaches efcic-courses, gives talks and seminars on AAC at conferences and in college education.

Thekla Huber has a degree in special paedagogics and adult education. Further education courses in coaching, theme-centered work and AAC. Many years of practical AAC experience as a teacher in special education and caregiver in residential care. Two decades of experience in consulting and coaching institutions on questions of AAC, teaches efcic courses, does communication training with people with severe impairments, gives talks and seminars on AAC at conferences and in college education.

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Das Team

Dr. Andrea Alfaré

ist Co-Leiterin efc in Rheinfelden.

Thekla Huber-Kaiser

ist Co-Leiterin efc in Münsingen.

Felix Holdener

ist für ICT und Logistik zuständig.